Home Kindergarten 5 Quick & Fun Summer Science Activities for Kids

5 Quick & Fun Summer Science Activities for Kids

5 Quick & Fun Summer Science Activities for Kids


Summer science activities are fun for kids of all ages because it taps into children’s innate curiosity about the world around them…oh, and they are fun! Here are 5 of our very favorite summer science experiments for kids that will engage the entire family…and likely the whole neighborhood! Use these summer science ideas for kids at home or in the classroom.

5 simple summer science activities for kids pictured in a collage including soda explosions, colorful ice, paint bombs, bubble snake and exploding baggies
Let’s play with science this summer!

Summer Science Experiments for Kids

Let’s take back summer for ourselves with some simple and fun summer science activities for kids. It seems like my family falls into the same trap each summer — we spend way too much time behind screens and not enough quality time as a family.

Related: Summer camp activities for kids

5 Kids Science Activities Perfect for Summer

Doing these science experiments with kids is just plain fun. The kids were so excited to get messy and see what was going to happen next. The best part about these activities is that anyone can do them — you probably have most of the supplies at home right now!

1. Bubble Snakes Make Simple Science Fun

Bubble snake science activity for kids perfect for summer - child blowing bubbles that congregate into a long snake like shape
Let’s make bubbles this summer!

Bubble snakes are one of those fun ideas that makes me nostalgic for summer days spent riding bikes and playing in sprinklers with the neighborhood kids. The supplies are super simple, too!

Supplies Needed to make Bubble Snakes

  • Empty water bottle
  • Sock
  • Rubber Band
  • Scissors
  • 4 cups water
  • 1/4 cup dish soap
  • Large bowl
  • Food coloring

Related: Make big bubbles + our favorite bubble recipe

Child blowing bubbles with a water bottle for summer science activity
Why do the bubbles stick together like this?

Steps to Make Bubble Snakes

  1. Cut the bottom off the empty water bottle.
  2. Cover the water bottle with the sock, making sure the foot of the sock is over the opening in the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Cut off the excess at the top of the bottle and use the rubber band to hold it in place.
  4. Mix the water and dish soap in the large bowl.
  5. Put a couple of drops of food coloring onto the sock at the end of the bottle.
  6. Dip the end of the bottle into the soap mixture and have your child blow out from the top of the water bottle.
Summer science activity - child blowing bubbles with water bottle
Blowing bubbles is the best summer fun!

The soapy water makes really fun and long bubbles as it moves through the sock filter.

Related: More backyard fun ideas for kids

Summer science activity - child blowing bubbles with water bottle with arms outstretched
Oh the bubble fun we will have this summer!

The kids had so much fun with this activity — they kept refilling their bubble snakes and blowing more and more bubbles!

2. Fun Science Activity: Make Exploding Paint Bombs

Exploding Paint Bombs (text) summer science activity for kids shown with white paper with brightly colored paint
This summer art & science collide…and explode!

This simple science activity is always a crowd pleaser. It is colorful and loud, and MESSY. Kids love it.

Supplies Needed to make Exploding Paint Bombs

Related: More summer science activity ideas

Steps to Make Exploding Paint Bombs

Step 1

Step 1 - Summer Science Activity - Exploding Paint Bombs
Summer science has never been more colorful…

Pour some paint to a film canister and add half of an Alka Seltzer tablet. Put  the lid on the canister and shake it well.

Step 2

Step 2 - Summer Science Activity - Exploding Paint Bombs
I love when summer science and art are combined.

Set it on the watercolor paper (and run away) and watch as the pressure builds up and the paint bomb goes off.

Safety Note About Exploding Paint Bombs

Younger kids need intense supervision and eye protection for everyone is recommended.

3. Sizzling Science Idea: Make Fizzing Ice Cubes

Summer science activity - summer science fun for fizzing ice cubes
Let’s make ice cubes summer science style!

This science activity couldn’t be simpler. It is perfect for a hot summer day when your kids need to cool off.

Supplies Needed to make Fizzing Ice Cubes

  • 3 cups water
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • Ice cube tray
  • Food coloring
  • Distilled vinegar
  • Spray bottle

Steps to Make Fizzing Science Ice Cubes

Step 1

Place one drop of food coloring into each cavity of the ice cube tray. Mix the baking soda into the water until it is fully dissolved. Fill the ice cube tray with the baking soda mixture.

Step 2

Step 2 - Summer science activity - fizzing ice cubes - child holding colored frozen ice cubes outside
This science activity is so fun!

Freeze for 3-4 hours or overnight.

Step 3

Step 3 - summer science activity - colorful fizzy ice cubes lined up on the sidewalk
These ice cubes are sizzling!

Place the ice cubes on the sidewalk and spray with the vinegar.

What Happens?

As the baking soda reacts to the vinegar, it will begin to fizz.

Kids love to watch the bubbles and see the ice break down.

Related: More ice activities for kids

4. Let’s Make Soda Rockets for Science Summer Fun

summer science activities - soda explosion experiment shown here with children
Whoa! Soda rockets are so fun!

Soda Rockets were definitely the kids’ favorite activity at our playdate. They are super simple, too!

Supplies Needed to make Soda Rockets

  • 2 liter diet soda
  • Mentos peppermints

Steps to Make Soda Rockets

Step 1

Step 1 - summer science - soda rockets - dropping mints into soda bottle
Quickly add a few mints to the soda bottle

We gave each child three peppermints and had them drop the mints into a bottle of soda and get out of the way!

Step 2- summer science - soda rockets - soda errupting
Whoa! Stand back!

What Happens?

The chemical reaction causes a rocket of soda to jet out of the bottle!

The reactions of the kids were the BEST.

It was so fun!

Related: Vinegar science fun for kids

5. Vinegar & Baking Soda Science: Exploding Baggies

summer science fun - exploding baggies
Now that is summer science fun!

Here’s another simple activity that just needs a few supplies and is one of our favorite vinegar and baking soda science activities for kids. This summer science experiment is fun and messy!

Supplies Needed to make Exploding Baggies

  • Zipper bag
  • 2 Tbsp Baking soda
  • 1/3 cup Vinegar
  • Food coloring

Steps to Make Exploding Baggie Science Activity

steps to make summer science fun - exploding baggies shown with three children on driveway
  1. Add the vinegar in the bottom of a baggie and mix in a few drops of food coloring.
  2. Twist the bag in the middle to seal off the vinegar and add the baking soda in the top section of the bag.
  3. Seal it and carefully set it on the ground.
  4. When you’re ready for the fun, have the kids untwist the bags and shake them.
  5. Make sure they set them back on the ground and watch the gas expand in the bags until the pop and they step away!

Related: Exploding baggies science for kids

More Science Activities for Kids from Kids Activities Blog

Which science activity are you going to try with your kids first?


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